Building Permit Applications

Caskanette Udall Consulting has in the past and continues to provide Building Permit Application Submissions on behalf of our clients. We conduct site visits to determine the required scope of work, take measurements and prepare drawings for submission to the local Building Department.

Before a client decides to start a new project to improve their home, the homeowner should locate any existing survey of their property to save the time to remeasure everything to produce site drawings. If the client doesn’t have a survey, try visiting a Land Registry Office in your area to determine if they have a survey of your property on record. If they do, you will be able to acquire one from them. A legal surveying company in your area can be hired to produce one for you.

Projects that will require a site plan are typically additions, accessory buildings, decks or any exterior work. If a client plans to do one of the four mentioned they will require a survey.

The majority of City Halls in Southern Ontario will have a zoning map on their website. On the zoning maps you can find crucial information pertaining to your property, such as front setback, rear setback, side setback, percentage of lot coverage, percentage of front yard coverage, to name a few.

When the client does the preliminary background work it saves them money. We can handle all of the work for clients who aren’t interested in assisting. We prepare all necessary drawings that will be required to submit for permit, and will make the trip to City Hall on your behalf to apply for the permit.

To avoid delays in receiving a permit it is recommended that you hire a qualified professional to produce a proper submission package, so that all the relevant information is incorporated to verify to the examiner’s that all drawings conform to the Ontario Building Codes and all Zoning By-Laws. Typically, the drawings in the package will be a site plan, foundation plan, floor plans for each level, elevations, roof plan, sections, details, and all required forms and applications that will need to be filled out.

What Projects DO NOT require a building permit.

Decks less than 24” above ground, Fences, Asphalt roof shingling, Eaves troughs, Minor repair to masonry, Damp proofing basement, Replacement of kitchen or bathroom cupboards, Replace forced air furnace, Air conditioning to existing forced air systems, Replacing siding or windows (provided there are no structural changes), Pool heaters, Painting and decorating, Landscaping.

Which Projects require a building permit.

Decks greater than 24” above ground, Interior structural alterations, Adding or removing walls, Porches, Basement or main floor walkout alteration, Additions/ Sunroom/ Solariums, Carports, Attached or detached garages and sheds, replacement of brick veneer or installation of new brick veneer, replacement of masonry chimney(below roofline), dormers or finishing attic space, finishing a basement, new or structural alterations to windows or doors, insulating exterior walls, structural work related to fire damage.

Always contact your local Building Department to find out if you require a permit for any work being done to your building. They are the local authority who are responsible for interpretation and enforcement of the Ontario Building Code. For buildings that are damaged by a fire or windstorm, where remediation is planned, the City can accept some nonconforming items when conformance would not be practical. We can work with the municipality to determine what they need for each specific project.


Renovations and Part 11 of the Ontario Building Code


Damage Assessments of Older Residential Buildings